Seppe Smits about the business side of snowboarding and sustainability

Seppe Smits about how he made the switch from hobbyist to professional, how sponsorship deals evolve, the impact of expectations as a world champion, financial challenges and much more. Listen on:

Seppe Smits podcast: Topics and YouTube timestamps:

2:04 The first Belgian snowboard team

8:54 From top gym to professional

11:00 Results mean bigger budgets

18:40 Pioneering as the first Belgian snowboard professional

20:00 An American agent with great promises

21:44 The pros and cons of an agent

27:05 Ambassador of the Big Air World Cup in Antwerp (which Seppe wins)

34:25 How do you manage the financial side?

37:29 The net worth of Seppe Smits

39:44 Sponsorship income depends on market size

41:56 How do injuries impact finances?

45:23 How important is social media as a top athlete?

48:12 Importance of vision and mission in your career

51:31 The end of the relationship with the agent

56:03 The strategy behind the Red Bull helmet and cap

1:02:02 Seppe brought some items to the Webhero studio (see YouTube)

1:13:00 Story: Seppe Smits' double

1:13:55 The first sustainable Belgian splitboard

1:18:19 A future as a sustainability and mindset keynote speaker

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Seppe Smits about the business side of snowboarding and sustainability

Seppe Smits about the business side of snowboarding and sustainability

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